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[영어리뷰][English Review] 25 [have 동사 5 ]

[영어리뷰][English Review] 25 [have 동사 5 ]


(그동안 be동사와 have동사를 살펴보았는데, 이를 활용해서 바꿔쓰기를 해보고자 한다. 여러번 연습해서 자기 것으로 만들었으면 좋겠다.


다음은 바꿔쓰기의 기본이다. 맨 처음으로 영어를 바꿔쓰기 한다는 생각으로 해보자.


ex) I have a book in my hand.

There is a book in my hand. It’s mine.

My hand has a book. It’s mine.


1. I have a bed in the room.






2. I have a book in my room.






3. Mr. Danny has pens in his hand.






4. We have books in our classroom.






5. Mrs. Sara has pictures on the wall.






6. They have a desk and two chairs in the room.






7. I have a book, a note and a pen in my room.






8. They have desks and ten chairs in the classroom.






9. They have a kitchen, living room and two bedrooms in the house.






10. She has a bed and a desk in her room.








1. 나는 내 방에 침대가 있어요

I have a bed in my room.

There is a bed in my room. It’s mine.

My room has a bed. It’s mine.


2. 나는 내 방에 책이 있어요.

I have a book in my room.

There is a book in my room. It’s mine.

My room has a book. It’s mine.


3. 대니는 그의 손에 연필들이 있어요.

Mr. Danny has pens in his hand.

There are pens in his hand, They’re his.

His hand has pens. They’re his.


4. 우리는 교실에 책들이 있어요.

We have books in our classroom.

There are books in our classroom. They’re theirs.

Our classroom has books. They’re theirs.


5. 사라부인은 벽에 그림들이 있어요.

Mrs. Sara has pictures on the wall.

There are pictures on the wall. They’re hers.

The wall has pictures. They’re hers.


6. 그들은 방에 책상과 의자 둘이 있어요.

They have a desk and two chairs in the room.

There are a desk and two chairs in the room. They’re theirs.

The room has a desk and two chairs. They’re theirs.


7. 나는 내 방에 책, 노트, 펜이 있어요.

I have a book, a note and a pen in my room.

There are a book, a note and a pen in my room. They’re mine.

My room has a book, a note and a pen. They’re mine.


8. 그 아이들은 교실에 책상과 10개의 의자가 있어요.

They have desks and ten chairs in the classroom.

There are desks and ten chairs in the classroom. They’re theirs.

The classroom has desks and ten chirs, They’re theirs.


9. 그분들은 집에 부엌, 거실, 침대 둘이 있어요.

They have a kitchen, a living room and two bedrooms in the house.

There are a kitchen, a living room and two bedrooms in the house. They’re theirs.

The house has a kitchen, a living room and two bedrooms. They’re theirs.


10. 그 여자아이는 자기 방에 침대, 책상이 있어요.

She has a bed and a desk in her room.

There are a bed and a desk in her room. They’re hers.

Her room has a bed and a desk. They’re hers.

오늘의 명언

The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but man is tested by the praise he receives. (Proverbs 27:21)

도가니로 은을, 풀무로 금을, 칭찬으로 사람을 단련하느니라.(27:21)

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